
Friday Nights 7.30 after the Raffles

Holiday BINGO this December: Friday 2nd Friday 9th Friday 16th Monday 19th Friday 23rd Monday 26th Friday 30th Doors open at 9.00am, eyes down at 10.00am. Cost starts at $20. Children welcome under supervision of parent or guardian, over 18 years old. ...

Holiday TRIVIA for December 2022: Tuesday 13th  Thursday 15th Tuesday 20th Thursday 22nd Tuesday 27th Thursday 29th Starts at 7.00pm sharp, $3 per player, cash prizes to be won! ...

October Long Weekend Sunday Breakfast and Market will still proceed. Monday 3rd October while the Arts in Spring Market is underway, we will have: Bacon, Egg and cheese rolls for $8 - add a coffee and we'll make it $12 for both! House made Sausage Rolls and Pies for $3 each - add a coffee and we'll make it $5 for both!     ...

Live Music Line Up March: Friday 3rd March - TBA Friday 10th March - TBA Friday 17th March - TBA Friday 24th March - TBA Friday 31st March - TBA   ...

It’s worth the drive - See you soon!

We’ve got just the place for a fun or competitive game of bowls, a family day-out with great meals, or the perfect place to catch up with friends over a coffee.